Before going to the airport, how should I prepare?

3 things to do prior to arriving at the airport
One of the unfortunate realities is that flying is no longer a stress-free experience for most of us. Getting to the airport and everything prepared ahead of time is a checklist feat unto itself. Once you are actually at the airport an entire new series of safety and security checks await you at the other end of those terminal doors.
While we can’t fix all of that stress for you, we can provide 3 super simple and relevant tips that can at least bring some normalcy to your airport and flight experience on your next trip.
Protect your health
This may seem like a no-brainer these days but traveling to an airport, being around thousands of other people, and being packed on a flight 30,000 feet above the earth for hours is not the best way to stay healthy. The long term way to ward off the chances of getting sick or limit how sick you get is to have a rock solid immune system. That means eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise throughout the week. Despite being healthy (or not), it is also good to come prepared with hand sanitizers, wipes, and a face mask. There are countless ways viruses spread and why chance it, or worse, get other people around you sick.
We now live in a world where being safe is actually very sexy. It is also smart and the best way to protect yourself, loved ones, and everyone else around you. So make sure prior to arriving at the airport you have everything to focus on personal hygiene so the extra safety and security checks don’t overwhelm you.
Go touchless for check-in
An easy way to skip check-in lines and spending pointless time in crowded areas at the airport is to download your airline’s app. Most airlines already suggest it now. It makes checking in a breeze, as you can sometimes also avoid the actual self-service kiosks altogether and use your smartphone as an actual boarding pass.
Gone are the days of waiting in long airline check-in lines, weighing your luggage, being handed a printed boarding pass. Now all of that can be done from the comfort of your smartphone, right in the palm of your hand. Make sure to read up on what your airline offers through their app, as you may be surprised what other features can be unlocked like getting that coveted exit row seat with a swipe of your finger, or better yet, the ability to remote check in your luggage without having to bring it to the airport.
Avoid checking baggage
If your goal is to get in and out of the airport faster and safer, we also suggest you ditch your checked bags ahead of time and ship it with LugLess. Now that being safe and less stressed is the name of the airport game, why not go completely contactless in the airport and on the plane. Your phone is now the boarding pass that gets you checked in and through security. Your hands are used to protect your personal space and keep hygiene front and center. What purpose does your luggage serve in this current airport experience scenario? No purpose at all, quite frankly. So for as little as $15 a bag, you can ship your luggage ahead of time, and come fully prepared to the airport.
By putting into practice these 3 simple tips, you can come to the airport fully prepared for a touchless and safer experience with nothing but the clothes on your back, phone in hand, and a small carry on bag for essentials like sanitizer, medicine, and a change of clothes for those just in case moments that may pop up.
Things are changing quickly, so it’s best to make sure you have all of the most up-to-date updates. This guide to flying during the coronavirus outbreak includes an interactive state-by-state map that highlights current travel restrictions, up-to-date travel guidelines for all major airlines and tips on how to prevent the spread of COVID after landing.