MSN: Is it Safe to Fly Again? Here are Our Tips

For most of us, this spring and summer will be the first time since the pandemic began that we’ve headed to an airport and flown on a plane.
MSN put together a comprehensive article on what to expect on your next flight and trip to the airport. They’ve provided detailed answers for common airport FAQ’s like “what to expect going through TSA?” and “how early should you show up to the airport?”. As well as what precautions airlines are taking for passengers with thorough answers broken out by all the major US airlines.
Be sure to read the answer to the question, “How can I help prevent the spread of COVID after I land?”. Spoiler alert; it is to use a service like LugLess:
You can use a service like LugLess to ship your luggage to your destination before you even arrive at the airport. This will keep you from hanging out at baggage claim with everyone else, not to mention dragging your belongings all through the airport, touching overhead compartments.
If you are flying again soon, it might be a good idea to read the full MSN article with all the new airport tips for your next flight. You might be surprised what has changed since your last trip to the airport terminal.