Moving to College? 5 Ways to Save Money Right Away

Budget tips for the big move to campus
You got your acceptance letter, bought the hoodie, and signed up for some pretty cool classes. Now comes the most exciting part: move-in day. Whether you’re headed to the dorms or setting up an off-campus apartment, moving to college can take a huge chunk out of your budget.
But with a bit of planning and careful packing, you can save money. Really! Check out these budget-friendly tips for moving your stuff to your new college space.
Get info on your new digs
One of the first steps for successfully moving to college is getting all the inside info on your new place.
First things first, ask for dimensions. The last thing you want to do is haul something all the way to your new living space and find out it doesn’t fit (RIP, overstuffed beanbag chair).
Then, if you’re moving into a furnished apartment, get a list of exactly what’s included. You may not need to bring linens, utensils, etc. if they’re already provided.
And if you’re moving into a dorm, figure out the bathroom situation. A communal bathroom means bringing a waterproof tote for shower supplies.
Talk to your roommates before you shop
Before you go on a college shopping spree, talk with your roommates and find out what they’re bringing.
There may be items that you can split up, so you’re not overspending on dorm accessories. For example, maybe you’ll pick up a hot plate for your dorm room, while your roommate picks up a small toaster oven.
Especially if you’re in a dorm room with limited space, there’s no need to bring duplicates of large items such as mini-fridges. Figure out who’s bringing what; just make sure your new roomie is okay with sharing!
When in doubt, leave it out
It makes perfect sense, yet not everyone does it. When you’re moving to college, only bring what you’ll absolutely need with you. Because the more you move, the more money it’ll take… cha-ching.
Sell or donate anything you no longer need or want; this is the perfect time to do some serious downsizing of your wardrobe, school supplies, and sporting equipment.
If you’re not 100% sure whether you’ll need a specific item and don’t want to get rid of it just yet, leave it at home. You can always have it shipped later, or pick it up during winter break.
Ship your stuff
Once you’ve figured out exactly what you’re taking when you head off to campus, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to get it there.
Checking extra bags on a plane might be your first choice… until you look at the prices. The rates for extra bags or overweight bags will make a huge dent in your budget.
Want a cheaper and more reliable option? Ship your stuff to your new dorm room or apartment with LugLess. We’ll get all of your stuff there, so you can focus on what really matters: making new friends, figuring out your classes, and picking up some snazzy school-themed swag!
Finish shopping when you get there
Sure, it’s nice to shop at home where you know the discount stores (and where your parents might pick up the bill!). But, the more you take with you, the more you’ll spend on getting it there. So try to save the bulk of your shopping for your new city.
There are some things that you’ll need right away, of course. We’re not talking about necessities.
But that fancy new printer? Yeah, that definitely doesn’t need to be schlepped across the country. Wait until you’ve settled in before picking up those bulky, heavy items.
Pro Tip: Back-to-school items are seasonal. They usually go on sale just a week or two after school starts. Waiting just a little longer can mean extra money in your college life budget!
Ready for the big move? With these tips, moving to college can be way cheaper, a big plus for any college student on a budget. Now go have a great school year!